Road trip to the GDMBR

Monday, June 15, 2015 5:08 A.M.

It is cool and the morning light is soft. The leaves on the oak tree are waving lightly in the breeze. Paul has just pulled up to the curb in his loaded Toyota Sequoia (Pearl). Luggage is on top, bikes on the back and there is plenty of room for five passengers. All the tour baggage and bikes were loaded last night at Paul and Sheila’s for a quick getaway this morning. Paul and Sheila had us over for burgers and brew on Sunday evening for the load up.

Barb and I carry fruit and drinks down the steps toward the car as Jamie, Paul, Sheila and Paula get out of Pearl. I present them with my end-of-life healthcare directive to witness which brings laughter as does the bag of prunes that barb removes from our stash. Sheila grabs the camera to record both. Signatures completed, photos taken and good byes to Barb done, we take our seats in the vehicle and quietly pull away from the curb. 5:13 A.M. Our destination today is Ogden, Utah. By Wednesday evening, we will be in Columbus, New Mexico. On Thursday morning we will leave civilization, as we know it, behind.

06/16/15. Gallup, New Mexico.

Thirty hours to GDMBR. Anxiety level has moderated. I’m ready to embark on this adventure and take in whatever it delivers.

06/17/15, 03:30
Twenty four hours to GDMBR.

Tomorrow morning this time, we will click into our pedals. The forecast has improved with winds at a mere 6 mph and temperatures predicted at mid 90’s. Ready to get underway.

The road trip down with Jamie, Paula, Paul and Sheila has been optimal.

My next blog post will be after crossing the Gila wilderness. Internet access will be scarce so postings will be intermittent. 🚲

2 thoughts on “Road trip to the GDMBR

  1. Prunes will extend your life, actually, leading to the nirvana feeling of a classic dump. So much good riding to you all and may all good things come your way on this epic trek. eg

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